Plot: Secrets abound in this 2005 television adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel. Fortunes hang in the balance, awaiting the outcome of a legal case in the Court of Chancery in Victorian London. Meanwhile, the trials and tribulations of those awaiting the case's outcome, weave through Dickens' indictment...
Plot: A small-time entrepreneur in his beloved hometown of Blackpool, Ripley Holden's dream is to hit the big time with his swanky, state-of-the-art amusement arcade, but the lights dim at the grand opening when a dead body is found on the premises. The arcade closes and in steps DI Peter Carlisle to clean...
Plot: The series revolves around Juliet Miller whose life is turned upside down after an incident that leaves her family fighting for life, love and survival.
Plot: Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death. Wikipedia
Plot: A docudrama tracing the events at Dunkirk in 1940, during the height of World War Two. The soldiers were in danger, and many awaited the rescue mission by small boats from back home.
Plot: Vital Signs is a British television drama series airing on ITV from 2006. It stars Tamzin Outhwaite as a supermarket check-out operator who decides to become a doctor. Wikipedia
Plot: Set in the Old Bailey of Georgian London against a backdrop of corruption and social injustice, `Garrow's Law' is inspired by the life of pioneering barrister William Garrow and is based on real cases from the late 18th century. Each hourlong episode begins with the investigation of a case sourced...
Plot: John Mercer, an ex-special forces operative and convicted murderer is granted an early release from prison on the condition that he becomes an assassin for the government.
Plot: Murdered by My Boyfriend is a BAFTA Award-winning one-off fact-based drama first aired on BBC Three in 2014. It stars Georgina Campbell as Ashley Jones, a young victim of domestic abuse at the hands of her controlling boyfriend, Reece, portrayed by Royce Pierreson. Wikipedia
Plot: Molly, a young woman, has a very stagnant life and eventually decides to join the army. She is deployed as an army medic during the British army's withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Plot: The Chatterley Affair is a BBC television drama, produced by BBC Wales and broadcast on BBC Four on 20 March 2006. It is a semi-fictitious account of the obscenity trial surrounding the publication of D. H. Lawrence's 1928 novel Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1960. Wikipedia