Plot: The Men of Justice is a television series broadcast by ATV, created and produced by the Gary Tang Tak Hei. The cast includes Lawrence Ng, Amy Chan, Kenneth Chan, Pinky Cheung, Jacky Lui, and William So. Wikipedia
Plot: Incredible Mama, is a 2015 superhero action comedy television series produced by Hong Kong Television Network. Originally 25 episodes, the series was condensed into 9. The first episode premiered on February 9, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Central Affairs is a 2005 TV series produced by Hong Kong's Asia Television in 2005. Directed by Wong Jing, and starred Patrick Tse and Michelle Ye, the series focused on the morality of the insurance business. It had a spin-off series in 2006, titled Central Affairs 2, also directed by Wong Jing....
Plot: Police on the Road is a 1991 Hong Kong action police procedural television series produced by TVB and starring Gallen Lo and Wan Yeung-ming. With a total of 13 episodes, the series contains a different story in each of the episodes. Wikipedia