Plot: Male nurse Greg Focker meets his girlfriend's parents before proposing, but her suspicious father is every date's worst nightmare. A Jewish male nurse plans to ask his live-in girl friend to marry him. However, he learns that her strict father expects to be asked for his daughter's hand before she...
Plot: Silicon Valley pioneer Paul LeBlanc discovers that one of his own creations -- a powerful A.I. called NEXT -- might spell doom for humankind, so he tries to shutter the project, only to be kicked out of the company by his own brother, leaving him with nothing but mounting dread about the fate of the...
Plot: Watching the Ben Stiller movie comedy "Meet the Parents" is a barrel of laughs, but finding yourself living it? Not so funny. In this relationship show, prospective boyfriends are put through a series of tests and interrogations by the girl's parents in order to prove themselves worthy of dating Daddy...
Plot: This dating programme features three single women who live, laugh and date together in a house as they each search for Mr Right. Each week, the women head out on dates with their potential suitors. Cameras follow the ladies through their preparations as they get ready to learn more about their chosen...
Plot: Dating can be tough, so it may be a good idea for singles to go with quantity over quality when hitting the scene to increase their odds of matching with someone.That's what happens on "Dating Around." Each episode features a single who goes on five first dates that are filled with flirty banter, awkward...
Plot: For those living and working in the countryside, finding true love is often a tall order due to their isolation from the urban dating pool. Luckily, there is an unprecedented number of urban dwellers who are seeking a dramatic change of lifestyle and for many the inspiration to make that happen is...
Plot: A group of men and women, each burdened with a dark secret, look for love in this dating show with a twist; hosted by reformed playboy Atsushi Tamura.