Plot: A follow-up to the MTV series `16 and Pregnant', `Teen Mom' chronicles the challenges teenagers Farrah, Maci, Amber and Catelynn face in their first years of motherhood, including such things as graduating from high school, relationships, getting a job, beginning college and moving out on their own...
Plot: "Basketball Wives" creator, executive producer and star Shaunie O'Neal -- perhaps best known as the ex-wife of NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal -- expands the reality TV franchise by inviting cameras into her home. Behind the bright lights and glamorous lifestyle, the down-home version of Shaunie is that...
Plot: What does it really mean to be a lady in the 21st century? Through a sharp, comedic lens, MTV presents its take by featuring the attitude and subject matter of its popular series "Girl Code" and challenging a few gender norms along the way. Led by "Girl Code" alumni Nicole Byer, Jade Catta-Preta, Shannon...
Plot: Parenting isn't easy, which is why people like Jill Spivack are able to make careers out of helping parents learn how to raise their kids. Spivack runs one of the most in-demand mommy groups in Los Angeles, offering advice to mothers on such topics as transitioning to parenthood, marital issues and...
Plot: `Teen Mom' debuted on MTV in 2009 and soon after garnered accolades for bringing attention to the issue of teenage pregnancies. The series even was cited for helping to lower teen birth rates by 46 percent since it premiered. MTV continues the `Teen Mom' legacy with `Young and Pregnant', which chronicles...
Plot: Millions of sitcom fans know Leah Remini for her portrayal of wisecracking, no-nonsense Carrie on `The King of Queens'. To bring Carrie to life - with an accent to match - Remini drew on her Brooklyn roots and experiences in a hard-working household filled with love, humour and unfiltered conversation...
Plot: Entertainers Cheryl Burke, Joe Jonas, Nicole Scherzinger, Ciara, Jeff Dye and Alan Ritchson compete to prove that they can learn new skills, showcase their talents and complete surprise challenges. In a friendly rivalry -- without judges or eliminations -- celebrities try to earn bragging rights as...
Plot: A follow-up to the MTV series `16 and Pregnant', `Teen Mom' chronicles the challenges teenagers Farrah, Maci, Amber and Catelynn face in their first years of motherhood, including such things as graduating from high school, relationships, getting a job, beginning college and moving out on their own...
Plot: Relationship therapist Jill Dictrow has heard patients open up about the good, the bad, and the un-sexy when it comes to their personal lives. But, because people who need the most help never come to her office, Dictrow is coming to them. She sets up hidden cameras, goes undercover, and offers free...
Plot: Off with the gloves and onto the stage go funny men and women armed with their best barbs and looking for a comedy knockout. TruTV's half-hour competition series features three comics in each episode battling in fast-paced challenges, with points awarded based on positive crowd reactions. One-upmanship...