Plot: Tetangga Masa Gitu? is a sitcom that follows the daily lives of two couples. The first couple, Adi and Angela, has been married for ten years, and the second couple, Bastian and Bintang, is newly married. This sitcoms compares the long- and newly married couples with their daily problems that they...
Plot: A style-impaired guest gets a closet full of new clothes and a makeover. One wardrobe is handpicked by celebrity stylist Jeannie Mai, while two friends of the guest also get to choose new duds for their friend. The fashion victim then picks which clothing collection he or she likes best.
Plot: The series depicts the situation behind the scenes of the station's in-house infotainment program called Entertainment News as well as the personal situation of its crew.
Plot: The Internet is filled with news stories about pop culture and celebrities. "The Comment Section" looks for some of the biggest stories of the past week, then scours the Web in search of comments being posted about the stories on websites and social media. Host Michael Kosta then curates the online...
Plot: Indonesia Morning Show was an Indonesian breakfast television on NET. featuring a variety of recent updates, such as hard news, light news, & entertainment news. It broadcasts for 1,5 hours, from 06.00-07.30 WIB. Wikipedia