Plot: As Sure As Fate is a 1998 Hong Kong romantic comedy television drama created and produced by TVB, starring Hacken Lee, Joyce Tang, Joey Leung, Cutie Mui, Louis Yuen, Florence Kwok as the main cast and was produced by popular TVB producer Mui Siu-ching. Wikipedia
Plot: Simply Ordinary is a 1998 Hong Kong martial arts television series produced by TVB and stars Gordon Lam as famed martial artist Lam Sai-wing, who was also a known disciple of folk hero Wong Fei-hung. The series tells a largely fictional story of Lam before he became Wong's disciple. Wikipedia
Plot: Old Time Buddy - To Catch a Thief is a 1998 Hong Kong period romantic comedy television drama created and produced by TVB, starring Gallen Lo, Maggie Cheung Ho-yee, Gordon Lam, Elaine Ng as the main cast. The series is an indirect sequel to 1997's Old Time Buddy. Wikipedia
Plot: Triumph Over Evil is a 1997 Hong Kong period serial drama produced by TVB and starring Ben Wong in his first leading role and co-starring Nick Cheung and Hilary Tsui. Wikipedia
Plot: Marriage of Inconvenience is a TVB modern drama series broadcast in November 2007, starring Bobby Au Yeung, Angela Tong and Toby Leungas the main leads. Wikipedia
Plot: In the Realm of Success is a 2001 Hong Kong romantic comedy television drama created and produced by TVB, starring Steven Ma, Adia Chan, Michael Tong and Claire Yiu as the main cast. Wikipedia