Plot: This documentary series explores events where extreme weather has placed people in life-threatening circumstances. The episodes revisit stories from British family vacations to music festivals, where unexpected natural elements have had devastating effects. Footage and photographs capture the terrifying...
Plot: Alex Beresford and Ria Hebden explore 2000 years of history at Cardiff Castle. On top of Somerset's Wellington Monument, we meet the team tasked with one of the most spectacular repair jobs in the country.
Plot: A countdown of the most unusual, shocking and unexpected events in nature exploring storms, flooding, fire, tornadoes and other rarer occurrences from all over the world.
Plot: "Storm Stories" presents gripping accounts of rescuers and survivors who battled severe and highly unpredictable weather at its worst. Each episode features a recounting of the events that led up to a life-threatening storm and the unrest that followed, and while typically this is done via re-enactments...
Plot: Under the guidance of Olympic figure skating champions, celebrity contestants take to the ice each week with a live act as they compete for the judge's consent and the public's vote.
Plot: Good morning, Britain. Up early and need to catch up on the latest news, weather and sports? Then this weekday morning programme is for you, offering the latest information in such areas as entertainment, health and money. `Good Morning Britain' is the typical morning news and talk show. It features...