Plot: "All in the Family" is touted as the series that brought reality to prime-time TV entertainment. The lead character, Archie Bunker, is a loudmouthed, uneducated bigot who believes in every stereotype he has ever heard. His wife, Edith, is sweet but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They and their...
Plot: A poor family that has recently acquired wealth moves to Beverly Hills, California. They cause quite a turmoil in their privileged society with their simple and unsophisticated way of living.
Plot: Mary Richards, a single career-oriented woman, moves to Minneapolis after she separates from her partner. She gets a new job but continues to struggle with romance.
Plot: Seven people from different walks of life are cast away at an unknown island after a violent storm. They adapt to their life on the island while continuously making attempts to escape.
Plot: An astronaut, Tony Nelson, finds a 2000-year-old blonde genie in a bottle after a flight. Jeannie turns out to be mischievous, a little innocent and very much in love with her master.
Plot: Danny Williams, a successful nightclub singer, encounters a variety of difficult and amusing situations when he tries to balance his career and his family.
Plot: Samantha falls in love with New York ad exec Darrin Stephens and marries him in the first episode of the sitcom. Then Darrin finds out that his new bride is one of a secret society of powerful witches and warlocks and that a twitch of her nose brings magic results. Thoroughly befuddled, Darrin makes...
Plot: Girls from different parts of the country participate in a series of contests and demonstrate their unique skills and talent to win the coveted title.
Plot: Mike, an architect with three sons, and Carol, a homemaker with three daughters, get married but their children struggle to bond with each other, leading to a challenging life for the family.
Plot: Life with Lucy is an American sitcom starring Lucille Ball that aired for one season on ABC from September 20 to November 15, 1986. It is the only Lucille Ball sitcom to not air on CBS. Only 8 out of the 13 episodes produced were aired before ABC cancelled the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Theodore, a young and inquisitive boy, lives with his parents June and Ward Cleaver and brother Wally. His father gives him advice when he gets into trouble at school, home and in the neighbourhood.
Plot: Lucy Carmichael, a guileless widow with two children who shares her home with divorcee Vivian Bagley and her son, gets into comical situations and dilemmatic circumstances.
Plot: Long-running sitcom "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," based on a radio show of the same name, is one of the shows from the period that epitomized the values of the 1950s and early '60s through the all-American nuclear family. The series stars real-life married couple Ozzie and Harriet Nelson as...
Plot: Susie works as the private secretary for theatrical agent Peter Sands. Violet `Vi' Praskins, the nervous and bumbling office receptionist and Susie's best friend, often helps Susie in aiding Sands.
Plot: December Bride is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS television network from 1954 to 1959, adapted from the original CBS radio network series of the same name that aired from June 1952 through September 1953. Wikipedia
Plot: Ralph, a New York bus driver, and his friend Ed try to make a better life for themselves while their wives patiently wait for them to find success.