Plot: According to documents that were declassified by the FBI in 2014, Adolf Hitler may have survived World War II and fled to South America following the fall of Nazi Germany. In this series a team of investigators -- led by 21-year CIA veteran Bob Baer and war crimes investigator John Cencich -- undertakes...
Plot: In the mid-1980s, the U.S. is poised on the brink of nuclear war. This shadow looms over the residents of a small town in Kansas as they continue their daily lives. Dr. Russell Oakes (Jason Robards) maintains his busy schedule at the hospital, Denise Dahlberg prepares for her upcoming wedding, and...
Plot: Hosted by longtime firearms reporter Jim Scoutten, "Shooting USA" covers everything fans and consumers want to know about the shooting sports industry, including reports from national championships, field tests of product performance claims, history lessons from gun collectors, tips from professional...
Plot: Documentary telling the full story of World War II with the aid of rare and unseen archive footage, recently released official documents, modern colourisation techniques, state-of-the-art satellite-delivered terrain mapping and graphics.
Plot: Andersonville is a 1996 American television film directed by John Frankenheimer about a group of Union soldiers during the American Civil War who are captured by the Confederates and sent to an infamous Confederate prison camp. The film is loosely based on the diary of John Ransom, a Union soldier...
Plot: From wagon trains crossing the untamed frontier to man's first steps on the moon, this History Channel series offers a compelling look at the people, inventions and events that helped forge the United States of America. Peppered with re-enactments that include CGI footage and archived news film, the...
Plot: During the summer of 2005, filmmaker Gordon Forbes spends three months embedded with the US Marine Corps' 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion in Iraq's Sunni Triangle, documenting their struggles as they fight the War on Terror.
Plot: Movietone News is a newsreel that ran from 1928 to 1963 in the United States. Under the name British Movietone News, it also ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1979, In France also produced by Fox-Europa, in Australia and New Zealand until 1970, and Germany as Fox Tรยถnende Wochenschau. Wikipedia...
Plot: Fox News mainstay Bill O'Reilly jumps behind the camera, serving as executive producer of this series that explores stories behind some of the most famous -- and infamous -- figures of the Old West. Each episode delves into the life of one such individual, using new interviews, archival photos and...
Plot: Special Agent James West and his partner Artemus Gordon protect the country from various threats with the help of a gadgeteer while they travel aboard a luxurious train.
Plot: Featuring some of America's greatest generals including Dwight D Eisenhower and George S Patton. Taking a look at their careers, their achievements and what made them the great generals of America.
Plot: George Washington proves to be a capable and resilient leader during the Revolutionary War despite little practical experience managing large, conventional armies.