Plot: Follows two families in the countryside of the Netherlands, who become archenemies after a mysterious accident in the past. A story of two families in the countryside of the Netherlands, becoming archenemies after a mysterious accident in the past. A legendary black tulip intensifies their ongoing feud...
Plot: Stories of crimes based upon real cases, told from the perspectives of both perpetrators and victims, explore the criminal world of young people.
Plot: In the Dutch city of Tilburg in the Netherlands, an outgoing homicide detective and a neurotic narc are partnered up to fight organised crime. Together they take down some of the cities most notorious criminals.
Plot: Het Huis Anubis was a Belgian-Dutch children's television mystery drama based on elements of Egyptian mythology created by Studio 100 and Nickelodeon, airing in the Netherlands and Flanders. It first aired in September 2006 and the last episode was broadcast on December 4, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Drama about talented detective Fenna Kramer who is new to the police in Friesland. Despite her talent, she makes things quite difficult for her team with her idiosyncratic methods.
Plot: SpangaS is a Dutch youth series, created by the NCRV and the makers of ZOOP. The television series revolves around the lives of a group of students at Spangalis College. Episodes revolve around a wide range of student activities and personal drama during secondary education. Wikipedia
Plot: Flikken Maastricht is a Dutch police drama. The series is set in Maastricht, Limburg, a city in the south of the Netherlands, and began broadcasting on Dutch channel NPO 1 on 3 September 2007. The series is a spin-off of the Flemish show Flikken set in Ghent, Belgium. Wikipedia