Plot: One of the U.K.'s longest-running series, "Taggart" is a gritty detective show based in Glasgow, Scotland. The show follows detectives in the Maryhill CID of Strathclyde Police as they investigate crimes, often murders. The personal relationships of the officers and their families is also explored...
Plot: Mille is a children's television drama series from Denmark, produced by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation. It follows the story of Mille, a 12-year-old girl whose best friend is killed in a traffic accident. Wikipedia
Plot: The artistically streaked brothers James and Adam Price learned early on to LOVE food and both are right at home in the kitchen. In this series they alternate between working together and competing against each other as they take on each episode's theme of food. Some dishes are done the old fashioned...
Plot: Bonderøven is a Danish TV show produced by DR and broadcast on DR1. The program was originally broadcast on the channel DR2 but in 2011 it was moved to the main channel DR1 since it had a great success. Wikipedia
Plot: Maddysten is a Danish TV show broadcast by DR. First season premiered on DR1 13 March 2019. The second season premiered on DR1 4 March 2020 In first season the hosts/judges were Dak Wichangoen, Timm Vladimir, and Louisa Lorang. In second season Timm was replaced by Gorm Wisweh. Wikipedia