Plot: Românii au talent is a TV show which began airing on 18 February 2011. The project acts as a Romanian version of the franchise Got Talent, developed by Simco Limited. Wikipedia
Plot: Celebrity contestants perform different songs under the mentorship and scrutiny of judges Simon Cowell, Nicole Scherzinger and Louis Walsh to win a competition.
Plot: Te cunosc de undeva! is the Romanian version of the talent show, Your Face Sounds Familiar. The first series premiered on 17 March 2012 on Antena 1. The show is hosted by Cosmin SeleÈi and Alina PuÈcaÈ. Its panel of judges includes Andreea BÄlan, Ozana Barabancea...
Plot: While wrestling with the pressures of life, love, and work in Manhattan, Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte join Samantha for a trip to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), where Samantha's ex is filming a new movie. The Sacrifice, the series produced by Ruxandra Ion for Antena 1 (Romanian TV post), plays...
Plot: Next Star is a Romanian reality competition television series broadcast on the Romanian television station Antena 1. It debuted in 2013. The focus of the series was to discover singing talent in those aged 3 to 13 years. The top prize is 20,000 euros. Wikipedia
Plot: MireasÄ pentru fiul meu is a Romanian reality matrimonial show produced by Sinevizyon TV Production. The first series started on 29 August 2011 and it is broadcast by Antena 1 channel in Romania. The competition is hosted by singer and TV host Mirela Boureanu Vaida. Wikipedia
Plot: Dansez pentru tine was a show produced and broadcast on television station Pro TV, presented and moderated by Ètefan BÄnicÄ, Jr. and Iulia Vântur, now broadcast on Antena 1. It was the most watched entertainment show in Romania in recent years as audiences. Wikipedia