Plot: There's a bit of straight football talk and highlights mixed in, but it's the comedic side of the sport that is predominantly featured on this long-running series. Celebrity guests each episode include at least one footballer and a combination of musicians, TV personalities and other sportsmen, who...
Plot: The All-Star Cup is a celebrity Golf match first held at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport in 2005 that pitted two teams of celebrities against each other in a Ryder Cup-style competition. The first series was aired on Sky One, with the second series being covered on ITV with extra coverage on ITV2...
Plot: The Big Breakfast is a British light entertainment television programme which was broadcast on Channel 4 and S4C each weekday morning from 28 September 1992 until 29 March 2002, during which period 2,482 shows were produced. Wikipedia
Plot: Mark Wright is best known for being a former semiprofessional footballer-turned-TV personality. But the former star of `The Only Way is Essex' is also an expert when it comes to the Essex party scene. Now he's taking his party knowledge outside of his native land. In this programme Wright travels ar...