Plot: Re-enactments and interviews with the principals involved bring to life the death-defying stories of animal-attack survivors. The heroic victims explain the circumstances surrounding their encounters with creatures that range from small spiders to four-ton elephants, and how they discovered things...
Plot: Eight tattoo-loving, motorcycle-riding tough guys -- they call themselves Rescue Ink -- are unleashed in this series, which depicts how they use muscle, street smarts and heart to fight animal cruelty. They're not rescue experts or even members of animal control, but like many of the animals they save...
Plot: Follows three animal-loving pet owners and their loyal companions as they take the stage to showcase their pet's extraordinary talents. From backyard to center stage, America's most entertaining pets get their moment to shine. In each episode, 3 talented animal acts delight us with unique, exciting...
Plot: CGI animation helps illuminate stories from around the world that recount how someone's life has been changed forever by an unexpected encounter with an animal, sometimes heartwarming, sometimes utterly terrifying.
Plot: Imagine "America's Funniest Home Videos" with an "all animals, all the time" theme, and you'll come close to the premise of this long-running comedy series in which a host introduces clips of comical animal behavior from around the world and supplies wry commentary.