Plot: Created by John de Mol, this televised talent show is the junior version of "The Voice" and part of `The Voice Kids' worldwide franchise. Emma Willis presents as children aged seven to 14 take to the stage to perform in front of a crowd of thousands, hoping to win the grand prize of cash and a family...
Plot: The first season of Junior Masterchef Vietnam has been launched to search for budding kid chefs in the country. Children aged between 8 and 14 can now register to attend the cooking competition at until September 5. Wikipedia
Plot: The show challenges celebrities to perform as different iconic music artists every week, which are chosen by the show's "Randomiser". They are then judged by the panel of celebrity judges. Each celebrity becomes transformed into a different singer each week, and performs an iconic song and dance routine...
Plot: Vietnam Idol is a Vietnamese reality television competition to find new solo singing talents. It is part of the Idol franchise; it originated from the reality program Pop Idol created by British entertainment executive Simon Fuller. Wikipedia
Plot: The Amazing Race Vietnam: Cuộc đua kỳ thú is a Vietnamese reality game show based on the American TV series, The Amazing Race. It features teams of two in a race around Vietnam. The show premiered on May 18, 2012 and aired regularly during Friday primetime on VTV3. Wikipedia
Plot: Tìm kiếm tà i năng – Vietnam's Got Talent is a Vietnamese reality television talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians, martial-art players, performers with risky weapons/tools/elements, variety acts and other performers of all ages competing...
Plot: The first season of The Voice Kids of Vietnam began on June 1, 2013. The show is co-hosted by Trấn Thà nh and Thanh Thảo. The judges are Thanh Bùi, husband-and-wife duo Hồ Hoà i Anh & LÆ°u HÆ°Æ¡ng Giang, and Hiá»n Thục. Wikipedia