Plot: Gặp nhau cuá»i nÄm, is a Vietnamese annual TV satirical comedy that airs on Lunar New Year's Eve on all of VTV's channels, produced by Vietnam Television Film Center. The show is widely popular in Vietnam, and is considered a traditional show of Vietnamese Lunar New Year on...
Plot: Gala cÆ°á»i is the name of a satirical comedy program produced by Vietnam Television Film Center. First aired from 2003 to 2005, as a replacements of comedy show Gặp nhau cuá»i tuần in the last months of the year, the show later aired quarterly a year in 2007. Wikipedia...
Plot: Who is the Millionaire is a Vietnamese game show based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The show is hosted by Phan ÄÄng. Lại VÄn Sâm hosted the show until 2017. The main goal of the game is to win up to 150,000,000â« by answering...
Plot: At first glance, "You Deserve It" seems like your usual prime-time network game show -- contestants answer questions for a chance to win big money (up to $250,000 in this case). The twist with this show, hosted by Chris Harrison, is that the contestants aren't playing for themselves. They play for...
Plot: Vietnam Idol is a Vietnamese reality television competition to find new solo singing talents. It is part of the Idol franchise; it originated from the reality program Pop Idol created by British entertainment executive Simon Fuller. Wikipedia