Plot: Mischief, mayhem and Mesoamerican myths rule the day for Victor and Valentino. They are half-brothers from Monte Macabre, a small, mysterious town that they explore while simultaneously trying to appreciate each other's quirks and differences. While spending the summer with their Grandma Chata, the...
Plot: Pat is seemingly an ordinary dog, but he is always willing to do whatever it takes to save the day when owner Lola is in trouble. When he is on a mission, the pooch uses his canine smarts to come up with improvised plans to come to Lola's rescue. Pat's expeditions are usually dangerous and there are...
Plot: Björnes magasin was a Swedish children's TV program broadcast by SVT 31 August 1987â2004. It was produced and created by Kerstin Hedberg and Anita Bäckström. The idea likely came from the Danish children's TV program "Bamses Billedbog" and on that background you can call it...