Plot: Presented by surreal double act Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, this long-running quiz show has garnered a reputation for its weird, silly and off-the-wall humour since its inception in 1993. In other words, it's considered one of the great BBC panel games in history! In its basic format, Reeves and Mortimer...
Plot: Tittybangbang is a female-led BBC television sketch comedy show, featuring Lucy Montgomery and Debbie Chazen. It ran between 2005 and 2007 on BBC Three. The show was largely written by Bob Mortimer and Jill Parker and produced by their company Pett Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: 29 Minutes of Fame is a British satirical celebrity quiz series which aired on BBC One on Fridays in early 2005. The show was presented by comedian Bob Mortimer. The show's two team captains were Jo Brand and Alistair McGowan, they were also joined by a regular panelist Sean Lock. Wikipedia
Plot: `QI' is a quite interesting quiz show in that correct answers are not necessarily the goal. But responding to presenter Sandi Toksvig's mostly obscure questions in a funny or interesting way, regardless of whether the response includes a right answer, is what scores points. And points are deducted if...