Plot: "Relentless With Kate Snow" takes viewers on an emotional journey with grieving families as they work tirelessly, often putting their own lives in danger, to find the culprits responsible for the deaths of those they loved most. Their relentless pursuit of justice paired with the opportunity to work...
Plot: A look at some of the world's most notorious serial killers and their murderous minds. Delving deep into the minds of killers such as Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jack the Ripper and Dr. Harold Shipman.
Plot: Exclusive access and never-before-heard testimony gives a unique insight into the mind of America's most notorious serial killer, Ted Bundy; archival materials reveal the monster inside the man.
Plot: Some of the world's most notorious murders are the subject of `It Takes a Killer', which investigates the crimes from the perspective of the killers, trying to get inside their minds and determine their motives. Leading homicide investigators and experts from such agencies as the FBI and Scotland Yard...
Plot: Two-and-a-half decades ago, a man from Milwaukee named Jeffrey Dahmer was tried and convicted of 17 gruesome murders that occurred between 1978 and 1991. Dahmer was convicted of luring young men into his home, where he then drugged, sexually violated, killed and finally consumed them. Investigative...
Plot: A vibrant young woman is found dead, hanging naked, bound and gagged, in the courtyard of her billionaire boyfriend's Coronado, Calif., mansion, just two days after his 6-year-old son suffered a shocking accident. The sheriff rules her death a suicide, claiming she was distraught over the young boy...
Plot: Each episode of this true-crime reality series examines a different felon, usually a female, who has committed murder or attempted murder. The victim is usually the perpetrator's partner. The documentary-style series features interviews with friends and family members of the accused and victims, law...
Plot: Several historical and high profile murder cases are reenacted with proper factual evidence, official records and background information that gives a different insight into the famous murders.