Plot: Discovery Canada's breakthrough CGI series "Alien Mysteries" takes on some of the most enduring and notable UFO mysteries from the past 50 years. Each episode chronicles accounts of UFO sightings, alien encounters and abduction with re-enactments using CGI and green-screen techniques. Scientists and...
Plot: The brightest minds from various fields like astrophysics, astrobiology, quantum mechanics and string theory attempt to reveal the extraordinary truth of the universe.
Plot: Understanding how the pyramids of ancient Egypt came to be has mystified archaeologists for centuries, leading some to conclude the task was most likely impossible. But newly uncovered information is finally helping unlock the deepest secrets of these supersized monuments. Piecing together the inner...
Plot: Cameras in space tell stories of life on Earth from a brand new perspective, revealing new discoveries, incredible colours and patterns, and just how fast it is changing.