Plot: Historian Bettany Hughes traces the hidden and often controversial history of women in religion. From ancient Greece and Rome to China and India, she journeys across continents to uncover stories that unlock a secret history of the world. She visits the world's oldest religious site to find startling...
Plot: Professor Bettany Hughes travels from the Mouth of the Nile in the north of Egypt, to the shores of Lake Nasser in the far south in search of her Top 10. Along the way she will check in on the Great Sphinx, the original location of the Rosetta Stone, the Valley of the Kings, and the Great Pyramid at...
Plot: Written and presented by British journalist David Dimbleby, `Seven Ages of Britain' traces 2,000 years of the country's history through the arts - both as objects that have often played a decisive part in events and as marvels of their age. Dimbleby visits countries including Italy, Germany, Turkey...
Plot: Bettany Hughes embarks on the journey of a lifetime, sailing through the Greek Islands on her very own Odyssey. Bettany explores Greece from the time of the Ancients right up to the present day.
Plot: Using new sources, new excavations, and the latest technology, `Pompeii's Final Hours: New Evidence' challenges what we think we know about the final days of Pompeii. New evidence is revealed to bring the final 48 hours of the Roman city to life. Historian Bettany Hughes, archaeologist Raksha Dave...