Plot: Distraction is a game show that aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom from 31 October 2003 to 11 June 2004. Presented by comedian Jimmy Carr, the show involved contestants answering questions while being distracted in various bizarre, painful and humiliating ways. Wikipedia
Plot: Sarabanda is an Italian television show initially proposed as a variety and later as a musical game with prizes, adaption of the TV format Name That Tune, presented by Enrico Papi and broadcast on Italia 1 in the time slot of the access prime time from 8 September 1997 to 20 February 2004. Wikipedia...
Plot: This variety program can be considered the heir of Drive in (1983) and the predecessor of Striscia la Notizia (1988), all three created by Antonio Ricci and conducted by Gianfranco D'Angelo and Ezio Greggio. Moreover it was the program with which Lorella Cuccarini made her debut in the Fininvest Group...
Plot: Scherzi a parte is a hidden camera-practical joke television series aired in prime time from 9 February 1992, first on Italia 1 and then on Canale 5. The show is characterized from having national and international celebrities as victims. Wikipedia