Plot: With the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in 2014, BBC remembers the event with this programme that explains what happened in Normandy. Presenters Sophie Raworth, Dan Snow and James Holland visit sites associated with the invasion and describe the events that took place, assisted by veterans...
Plot: June 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in France. To mark the occasion, journalist Huw Edwards heads to Arromanches, a small town overlooking the beaches of Normandy, to present this programme commemorating the historic day. The show includes a service at the Commonwealth War Cemetery...
Plot: In this annual series of weeklong programming, BBC presents the emotional stories of British soldiers who have served for their country in the past and present, leading up to Remembrance Sunday. Each year's set of programmes tell stories of courage, emotion and sacrifice, reflecting on the duty and...