Plot: Football Bartar is an Iranian live football television program, The match broadcast program is usually broadcast on Esteghlal, Persepolis and the Iran national football team match day, 30 minutes before the start of the match and the analytical program airs every Monday night on IRIB TV3. Wikipedia
Plot: Asre Jadid is an Iranian talent television competition. The program was produced by Ehsan Alikhani and launched on IRIB TV3 on 16 February 2019. The second season of the program began on 25 February 2020. Asre Jadid is one of the most popular programs in IRIB. Wikipedia
Plot: Navad was an Iranian, Persian language, popular weekly television programme broadcast by Channel 3 in Iran and hosted by Adel Ferdosipour. The program focused on the football matches played in the Persian Gulf Pro League every week. Wikipedia