Find more than 12 similar TV shows like Vårdgården
Description: The private hospital Vårdgården is strictly controlled by Douglas of the Leijon family. Genre: Comedy, Drama Year Released: 2016 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 8 First episode air date: April 11, 2016 Cast: David Nzinga
Plot: A twisted comedy show that portrays the drinking and partying habits of the average swede in absurd, over-the-top and, most importantly, hilarious ways. A comedy drama that will make you laugh and cringe at the same time. Anything can and will happen and if it's possible to twist a joke one extra turn...
Plot: Every episode is presented by a host, and features parodies of Swedish and American shows and movies, as well as imitations of various celebrities. There's also satire of politics, parties and politicians, sometimes accompanied with a mash-up parody of a movie or show. Every episode is presented by...
Plot: Sonja Ek lives a happy and loving life with her husband and three children in a suburb outside Stockholm. One day, everything suddenly changes and Sonja is forced to cross the border into the criminal world to protect her children.
Plot: Police Officer Hanna Svensson has her morals tested when her colleague Sven disappears. Upon looking for her partner, it is revealed that he had been involved in an investigation by a criminal MC club.
Plot: `Blue Eyes' is a Swedish political drama set in the run-up to a general election. As the election approaches a series of shocking events disrupts the nation. Suspected terror attacks include the ruthless murder of an extreme right-wing party's local representative, and the Justice Department's chief...
Plot: Blended families are becoming more common as people increasingly get divorced and remarried. This Swedish drama explores the complexities of relationships when two families come together as one. When Lisa and Patrik, who both have children with their exes, get married difficulties arise with everyone...
Plot: Solsidan is a Swedish television comedy series that premiered on 29 January 2010 on TV4. The series is named after a small part of Saltsjöbaden called Solsidan. It revolves around Alex and Anna who are expecting their first child and have just moved to Alex's childhood home in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm...