Plot: This series follows the lives of four vampires that live together; Kiyoi is the eldest who takes care of the others, Masakazu is a college student who gets information on criminal activities and Ageha and Makoto both go to high-school.
Plot: The Great Horror Family is a 2004 Japanese horror comedy television series directed by Kenji Murakami, Takashi Shimizu, Keisuke Toyoshima and YÅ«dai Yamaguchi, which aired on TV Tokyo affiliated stations. Wikipedia
Plot: Lion-Maru G is a Japanese tokusatsu series that aired from October 1, 2006 to November 24, 2006 in Japan, lasting 13 episodes. It is the third part in the Lion-Maru trilogy, following Kaiketsu Lion-Maru and Fuun Lion-Maru. The "G" is short for 'Ghetto'. This Lion-Maru is called "the Beast Transformed...
Plot: A guy moves in with 5 nubile women, paying rent by doing their housework. Yuuta, moves to Tokyo in order to enter a university where his girlfriend is studying, finds a share house that he can rent with a cheap price. Things get interesting that all his housemates are sexy girls who demands him to cook...
Plot: Competition to be No. 1 drives the hosts of Romeo, Kabukicho's most successful host club, and as ambitions soar unfettered, only the worthy will discover what it truly means to be the Night King. Romeo is the foremost host club in Kabukicho, thanks in no small part to the Seiya faction, and the dazzling...
Plot: Hello Franceska is a South Korean sitcom that aired on MBC from 2005 to 2006 on Sundays at 23:00 for three seasons. The first and second seasons aired from January 24 to August 1, 2005 for 29 episodes. The third season, with new cast members, aired from September 9, 2005 to February 27, 2006 for 23...
Plot: Reverse Edge: Åkawabata Tanteisha is a Japanese manga series by Garon Tsuchiya and Akio Tanaka. Its chapters are serialized in the manga magazine Weekly Manga Goraku and published in tankÅbon volumes by Nihon Bungeisha. As of April 2019, ten volumes have been released. Wikipedia
Plot: K-tai Investigator 7 is a 2008 Japanese television drama which aired from April 2, 2008 to March 18, 2009. It was a joint collaboration between WIZ and Production I.G. One of the episodes was directed by Takashi Miike. it is described as a science fiction tokusatsu action drama. Wikipedia