Plot: Following on from the show `Extreme Railway Journeys' which saw him embark on a number of trips overseas, Chris Tarrant returns with this three-part series that focuses on the impact the invention of the train has had on the United Kingdom. Through a series of visits to historical sites, Tarrant documents...
Plot: Former `Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?' host Chris Tarrant embarks on a series of extreme railway journeys across the world's toughest terrains. He visits cities and countries far and wide to learn more about train travel, one of the most iconic and traditional modes of transport. A first-hand account...
Plot: Chris Tarrant loves to fish, a feeling he attempts to impart in this four-part documentary. Joining Tarrant are international fly fishing guru and professional guide John Horsey, plus local pro anglers, to explore some of the world's best fishing sites. One is the Maldives in the Indian Ocean, where...