Plot: This docuseries takes a look at the state of policing in America through the experiences of the Flint (Mich.) Police Department. Flint is consistently among the country's most violent cities and its residents have little trust in law enforcement officials in the wake of the coverup of a citywide water...
Plot: Detective Russ Agnew's job at the underfunded police station in Battle Creek, Michigan, is turned on its head when handsome, charismatic Special Agent Milton Chamberlain arrives to open an FBI field office in the building and he chooses Russ to be his partner. Milt's sophistication and access to state...
Plot: From the creators of "Damages," "Bloodline" is a dramatic thriller that explores the demons lurking beneath the surface of a contemporary American family. The Rayburns are hard-working pillars of their Florida Keys community, but their past contains dark secrets that they hope remain buried. Paranoia...
Plot: Ted Bundy was one of America's most notorious serial killers. He was convicted in the deaths of more than 30 women before being caught in 1978. Thirty years after Bundy's 1989 execution, this docuseries brings viewers into the mind of the criminal known as the "Jack Ripper of the United States." Oscar...
Plot: The criminal justice system tragically failed 16-year-old Kalief Browder, who spent three years in Rikers Island jail awaiting trial -- two of those years in solitary confinement -- after being arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack. The case was never prosecuted, the charges were ultimately dropped...
Plot: When 15-year-old black cyclist Brenton Butler dies in a hit-and-run accident -- with a white police officer behind the wheel of the vehicle -- Jersey City explodes with racial tension. This crime drama explores the aftermath of the accident, which includes an attempted cover-up by the police department...
Plot: The untold personal stories behind eight cases of wrongful conviction that the Innocence Project and organizations within the Innocence Network have uncovered and worked to overturn.
Plot: In the 1980s, Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundreds of murders, which allowed grieving families to get closure for the unsolved cases. There was no direct evidence linking Lucas to the crime scenes, but he convinced authorities of his involvement by being able to sketch victims' portraits and cite brutal...
Plot: Based on the acclaimed film of the same name, this Netflix-original series follows a group of students of color at Winchester University, a predominantly white Ivy League college. The students are faced with a landscape of cultural bias, social injustice, misguided activism and slippery politics. Through...
Plot: In February 1965, Malcolm X is murdered; three men are arrested, but only one admits to being part of the plot; decades later, one activist pledges to find the real killers, and vows to learn the truth about what officials knew regarding the crime.
Plot: Two murders that shook the small town of Ada, Okla., in the 1980s gained national attention and even led to renowned author John Grisham writing a nonfiction book about the crimes. Now Grisham serves as an executive producer for this six-part docuseries -- which shares its name with his 2006 book --...
Plot: Two drug lab chemists' crimes cripple a state's judicial system and blur the lines of justice for lawyers, officials and thousands of prison inmates.
Plot: A groundbreaking six-part documentary directed and produced by Andrew Jarecki and produced and shot by Marc Smerling (the Oscar nominees behind `Capturing the Friedmans'). The story delves into the strange history of real estate heir Robert Durst, long suspected in the still-unsolved 1982 disappearance...
Plot: Richard, a programmer, creates an app called the Pied Piper and tries to get investors for it. Meanwhile, five other programmers struggle to make their mark in Silicon Valley.
Plot: "Serial Killer with Piers Morgan" delves into the minds of depraved serial killers for the first time. These are individuals who haunted communities for decades, and viewers are given access to maximum security prisons to discover what drove these people to kill. Morgan meets with victims' families...
Plot: After the death of his mother, Joshua decides to live with his grandmother, who heads a criminal clan. His life takes a turn as he gets involved with his cousins and their criminal activities.
Plot: Exploring Humboldt's marijuana farms - both legal and illegal - and providing a glimpse into what it takes for an outlaw farmer to cross over to the legal market.
Plot: This series uses re-enactments and interviews to retell the circumstances of, well, mysteries that are unsolved. Covering crimes, tales of lost love, unexplained history and paranormal events, viewers are encouraged to provide information that might solve the mystery.
Plot: Five acclaimed contemporary directors tell the story of five legendary Hollywood filmmakers who enlisted in the armed forces to document World War II.
Plot: A man who discovers the corpse of a boy ends up being accused of murdering him. This jeopardises the life of the man and makes his whole family go through a horrible ordeal.
Plot: A disparate set of characters deal with a plethora of crimes in different time periods. The only thing they share in common is their connection to the Midwest, USA.
Plot: Dee Dee Blanchard is overprotective of her daughter, Gypsy, who is trying to escape the toxic relationship she has with her mother. Gypsy's quest for independence opens up a Pandora's box of secrets, which ultimately leads to murder. The stranger-than-fiction true-crime series is based on a 2016 BuzzFeed...
Plot: Elliot, a cyber-security engineer suffering from anxiety, works for a corporation and hacks felons by night. Panic strikes him after Mr Robot, a cryptic anarchist, recruits him to ruin his company.
Plot: While New York witnesses the evolution of the ball culture and the rise of the Trump-era, an LGBTQ ball fixture, Blanca, starts her own house and turns mother to a gifted dancer and a sex worker.
Plot: After losing his son in a drug-related shooting, small-town pharmacist Dan Schneider embarks on a crusade to bring a reckoning against the powerful figures behind the nation's devastating opioid epidemic.
Plot: Tony and Emily Hughes go to France on a holiday with their five-year-old son Oliver. However, when their car breaks down one night in a small town, Tony suddenly loses sight of his son.
Plot: Nasir Khan gives a lift to a mysterious woman and takes her to a party hosted by his friend. However, he is charged with murder when she is found dead and must prove his innocence.
Plot: In 1989 a jogger was assaulted and raped in New York's Central Park, and five young people were subsequently charged with the crime. The quintet, labeled the Central Park Five, maintained its innocence and spent years fighting the convictions, hoping to be exonerated. This limited series spans a quarter...
Plot: Following the intertwined fates of the picture-perfect Richardson family and an enigmatic mother and daughter who upend their lives. Set in Shaker Heights, Ohio in the 1990s.
Plot: Featuring never before seen footage with unprecedented access to prisons across America, this crime documentary series gives an in-depth insight into the stories of prisoners who are awaiting their fate on death row. Each episode profiles a different prisoner convicted of capital murder and sentenced...
Plot: Exonerated after spending nearly two decades in prison for a crime he did not commit, Steven Avery filed suit against Manitowoc County, Wis., and several individuals involved with his arrest. Shortly after, however, Avery found himself behind bars again, this time accused of the murder of 25-year-old...
Plot: This documentary series reveals young women emerging from the shadows and uniting their voices against singer R. Kelly. Celebrated as one of the greatest R&B singers of all time, R. Kelly's career has been plagued with rumours of abuse, paedophilia, and predatory behaviour toward women. Now, survivors...
Plot: Netflix's latest docuseries tackles the unsolved murder of Cathy Cesnik, a beloved nun and Catholic high school teacher in Baltimore. After disappearing on Nov. 7, 1969, Cesnik's body was found nearly two months later -- but to this day, the killer remains unnamed. In the '90s, the case returned to...
Plot: When a teen reports being raped, then recants her story, two female detectives follow evidence that could reveal the truth; based on a true story.
Plot: When and how a person will die is unknown until it actually happens. Unless that person is on death row, where inmates are told the precise day, hour and minute of their deaths. This series documents the story of crime and the death penalty as filmmaker Werner Herzog interviews American inmates as they...
Plot: Lorena Bobbitt became a household name in 1993 when she cut off her husband's penis. She became the butt of jokes as her story became a fixture on cable news. Twenty-five years after the case of Lorena and John Bobbitt, executive producer Jordan Peele reinvestigates the story that made headlines around...
Plot: When is a confession not a confession? When it's involuntary, coerced or downright false. Those are the claims made by the subjects featured in this true-crime series. Each episode goes inside a case in which a murder suspect made a confession but later backtracked. Episodes include interviews with...
Plot: Best friends Issa and Molly belong to the same social background and face similar experiences. They always strive to find solutions to their problems by facing them together.
Plot: Atticus Black joins his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America in search of his missing father.
Plot: The most famous and controversial cases of all time are detailed and re-examined for viewers. Some cases include The People v. Michael Jackson, The People v. OJ Simpson, The People v. George Zimmerman and The People v. Robert Durst. The original juries reconvene years after the trials have happened...
Plot: Several historical and high profile murder cases are reenacted with proper factual evidence, official records and background information that gives a different insight into the famous murders.