Plot: Live show which follows the action from a nightly on-line poker tournament "The Open" complete with expert advice and commentary. Live show which follows the action from a nightly on-line poker tournament "The Open" complete with advice and commentary from the in-house poker experts. Celebrity players...
Plot: The US Open Series is the name given by the United States Tennis Association for a series of North American professional tennis tournaments leading up to and including the US Open. It is part of the U.S. or "North American hard court season". Wikipedia
Plot: Fascinating Sky original charting the rise, fall and comeback of golf icon Tiger Woods, who roared back from controversy and career-threatening injuries to win his fifth Masters.
Plot: He usually says whatever pops into his anecdote-filled, zany mind, a trait that has made David Feherty quite popular in his role as a golf commentator for CBS, NBC and Golf Channel. It should also come in handy in this prime-time series, with the bulk of each episode being an interview Feherty conducts...