Plot: From director and creator Joe Swanberg, this Netflix-original comedy anthology series explores diverse Chicago characters, modern romance technology and culture. Scenarios include a married couple hoping to reignite their sex life, a couple looking to spice things up with another woman, and middle-...
Plot: A woman whose humdrum life gets turned upside down when she receives a text from her college sweetheart inviting her to drop everything and meet him in New York to fulfil the pact they made 17 years earlier.
Plot: The psychological thriller examines the lives of two hunters -- one is a serial killer who preys on victims in and around Belfast, Northern Ireland, and the other is a female detective drafted from the London Metropolitan Police to catch him. The local authorities have no suspects and no experience...
Plot: It's 1832 in West Yorkshire, England -- the cradle of the evolving Industrial Revolution -- where landowner Anne Lister is determined to save her faded ancestral home, Shibden Hall, even if it means bucking society's expectations. In addition to reopening the coal mines, a part of Lister's plan to...
Plot: After being dumped by her longtime boyfriend, Jules must deal with her own imagination to literally and metaphorically reenter the world of women and rekindle the female friendships she left behind.
Plot: A co-production of Amazon Studios and the New York Times, this anthology series explores love in all of its complicated and beautiful forms, as well as its effects on the human connection. Each episode brings to life a different story that has been inspired by the newspaper's popular Modern Love column...
Plot: A dry-witted woman, known only as Fleabag, has no filter as she navigates life and love in London while trying to cope with tragedy. The angry, grief-riddled woman tries to heal while rejecting anyone who tries to help her, but Fleabag continues to keep up her bravado through it all. Comic actress Phoebe...
Plot: Singles try to find a match and fall in love -- without ever seeing each other face-to-face, as emotional connection attempts to conquer physical attraction.
Plot: This historical drama takes a look at events taking place on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean during the turbulent Restoration period of the 1600s. Young, idealistic renegade Abe Goffe is determined to fight for England to become a true republic. A romantic at heart, he falls for privileged Beth and...
Plot: Eric Neill is sent to jail after the judge finds him guilty of killing author Olivia Lake. His sister, however, denies the allegations and decides to reinvestigate the case herself.
Plot: Written by and featuring Phoebe Waller-Bridge, this comedy follows the lives of six characters in their 20s. A motley crew become housemates during a time where property prices and high-rent costs are difficult to afford. Using a Property Guardian scheme, the group is banded together in a disused hospital...
Plot: `Summer of Rockets' is a drama series starring Keeley Hawes, Timothy Spall and Toby Stephens, which is set in Cold War Britain during the late 1950s. The series follows Samuel, a Russian-born Jewish inventor, who is tasked with a secret mission by MI5. Samuel specialises in the development of hearing...
Plot: Inspired by Federico Moccia's books, this series follows Summer, who longs to leave her small town and see the world, as she meets Ale, a motorcyclist.