Plot: Seraa Ala El Remal is a Syrian Arab soap opera/telenovela first aired on Dubai TV during Ramadan 2008. It was written by Palestinian writer Hani Saadi, directed by Hatem Ali, and produced by Dubai Media. Wikipedia
Plot: About Sheima, niece of a Bedouin sheikh and famous for her beauty and poetry, who captures the heart of her cousin Rabih. Sheima's verse contains hidden riddles that no one except Rabih could solve. About Sheima, niece of a Bedouin sheikh and famous for her beauty and poetry, who captures the heart...
Plot: Al-Ababeed was a Syrian soap opera and historical fiction centered around the 3rd century Syrian kingdom of Palmyra which aired in the Ramadan season of 1997. In the show, the role of Zenobia of Palmyra is played by famous Syrian actress Raghda. Wikipedia