Plot: `Wild Britain', from Bristol-based Plimsoll Productions, explores the outer reaches of Britain in order to reveal the hidden lives of both the familiar and the more unusual animals that roam the United Kingdom. Narrated by `Downton Abbey' star Hugh Bonneville, the series captures 100 different stories...
Plot: A commercial airliner crashes deep in the Amazon and only a handful of people survive. When they can't be located by search parties, the survivors are given up for dead. Injured, lost and with little hope of rescue, these modern-day castaways are about to come face to face with the unbelievable: a...
Plot: Filmed over a year, this series captures Wales's varied wildlife and stunning landscapes, from the rugged mountains of the north to the seabird colonies off the west coast.
Plot: `Wild 24' is a documentary series capturing the life of different animals around the world for a whole day and night. For a period of 24 hours the cameras follow the wildlife that comes and goes in remote environments such as Africa's savannah, Chile's Atacama Desert and the forests of Tasmania. The...