Plot: What is everything? What is nothing? This two-part documentary follows host and professor Jim Al-Khalili as he searches for the answers to these deep and complex questions. In order to discover what "everything" is, Al-Khalili looks at what the universe might actually look like, and how human understanding...
Plot: Theoretical physicist, author, broadcaster and professor Jim Al-Khalili sets out to discover the background of the rules of the universe and how humans discovered them. Al-Khalili investigates the laws that link everything, the concepts of energy, and how the concept of information relates to today'...
Plot: Though once thought to be a form of magic, electricity is now essential to modern human society. In this series, professor and host Jim Al-Khalili tells the history of electricity and humans' pursuit to master it. Al-Khalili begins with the early achievements and breakthroughs and finishes with more...
Plot: Professor Brian Cox tries to answer some of mankind's most profound questions - including what made the universe and how the universe made people - in this programme that Cox describes as a `love letter to humanity'. Throughout the series, he shows that humans are one of the most precious and unique...