Plot: Nouvelle Star is a French television series based on the popular Pop Idol programme produced by FremantleMedia. It was broadcast by M6 in seasons 1â8 before D8 aired seasons 9-12. M6 broadcast the 13th and final season. It was hosted by Benjamin Castaldi for the first three seasons...
Plot: The host strikes a conversation with eminent personalities from the world of politics, culture and economics to learn about their work and experiences.
Plot: Viewers are given tips and practical advice on gardening and how to care for plants. The host also presents interviews with people working for the conservation of nature.
Plot: The host sheds light on the latest trends and shining examples in interior design and provides useful tips and ideas on how to redecorate and revamp the home.
Plot: Zone interdite is a French newsmagazine that has been broadcast since 7 March 1993 on M6, the second-most watched TV network in the French-speaking world. Wikipedia
Plot: Exploring the rich modern history of soundtrack music, from its beginnings in the 1930s until the present day, and looking at the greatest composers to have made soundtrack music their medium.
Plot: This musical drama series explores the love stories that connect an eclectic group of people living in Los Angeles. Flashbacks reveal how the characters came to be in the present day, which often involves attempts at romance. The diverse and disparate members of the group have their lives told through...