Plot: This is the very first feature to have ever told a story of the Russian revolutionary, Chapaev, in such a gripping and heart-stirring manner. The series takes us through thorny days of the national hero as the numerous layers of love and hate, pride and shame, great victory and inconsolable loss unfold...
Plot: It's 1934. The USSR lives brightly. The famine of 1932-33 is already over. The era of the Great Terror has not yet begun. And no one can even imagine a war approaching. It is urgent to buy equipment abroad but where to get gold and currency for industrialization? For these purposes throughout the country...
Plot: Liquidation is a highly popular Russian television series, which parallels the famous The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed with notable ethical shift. In the "Meeting Place", chief of criminal investigations Gleb Zheglov had a modus operandi "Thief must go to prison, no matter how I put him there"....