Plot: Vinnie Jones looks back at high-action clips from the popular crime show `Police Interceptors'. The actor, known for his numerous roles in movie thrillers, takes a step back to review actual video footage of police activity. Drunk drivers and car thieves, among other miscreants, are no match for the...
Plot: Drunk drivers and car thieves, among other miscreants, are no match for the high-speed police interception units profiled in this documentary series. Officers from a number of law enforcement units dotted around the United Kingdom are shown patrolling their jurisdictions and keeping the streets as...
Plot: This documentary series follows law enforcement officials as they go about keeping the streets of Britain's towns and cities free of illegal activity. A narrator keeps viewers informed as to whether alleged criminals were charged and if any penalties were imposed.
Plot: From gang shootings and drug busts to high-speed car chases and bar fights, this documentary series follows the tireless work of the US police force.