Plot: Local Los Angeles news for CBS affiliate. 'The Big News' was big news in broadcast world. The L.A. TV show, billed as the first 45-minute newscast in the nation, debuted in 1961. After it expanded to 60 minutes, executives from other cities visited to see how to set up a one-hour newscast. An...
Plot: The Survivor Series match is a professional wrestling elimination match held in the WWE. The match sees two teams pitted against each other, and as each member of the team is eliminated, the match continues until one entire team is eliminated. Wikipedia
Plot: Eretz Nehederet is an Israeli prime-time television satirical sketch comedy show, that premiered on Keshet's Channel 2 in 2003. It features satirical references to current affairs of the past week through parodies of the people involved, as well as the thoughts of recurring characters. Wikipedia
Plot: A Mossad agent goes undercover on her first mission in Iran's capital, which also happens to be the place of her birth; the mission has implications not just for the Middle East, but for the rest of the world.