Plot: Executive producer Thom Beers ("Deadliest Catch," "Ice Road Truckers") created this suspenseful "extreme competition" series in which 12 people leave their comfortably mundane work to tackle some of the most dangerous and challenging jobs on Earth, ranging from oil drilling to logging to driving icy...
Plot: The race is on to find the world's toughest trucker. This competition series brings together eight professional drivers of varying experience to take part in a series of real-life trucking challenges from around the world. Representing the U.S., Canada, England, Scotland, Australia and Sri Lanka, the...
Plot: Vinnie Jones is no stranger to roughhousing and competition. But the footballer-turned-actor faces his toughest challenge to date when he goes head to head with men whose tough-as-nails reputations allow them to handle some of Russia's toughest jobs, which Jones also tries to get through in this programme...