Plot: `The Unexplained Files' investigates actual, inexplicable occurrences that have confounded scientists and inspired legends, from mysterious disappearances and UFO encounters, to unidentified fanged predators and reported curses. In addition to never-before-seen footage, the programme features renowned...
Plot: Whether the protagonist is a Batsquatch, Skunk Ape, Mothman or Chupacabra, tales of mysterious creatures and unexplainable phenomena have been passed down generations. "Monsters and Mysteries in America" takes a trip across the U.S. to reveal the most cryptic, frightening and brow-furrowing stories...
Plot: THe filmmaker takes a scientific look at the Stalinist endeavour to breed a race of super soldiers by cross-breeding humans and apes and the truth behind Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and werewolves.
Plot: Sightings is an American paranormal and news television show that originally aired in the 1990s. The show began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991, as well as eventual follow up reports, Ghost Report and the Psychic Experience. Wikipedia
Plot: Four members of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization embark on a mission to find their creature. From small Southern towns to remote locations in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, the foursome -- a high-school science teacher, a former roadie, a skeptical scientist and BFRO president Matt Moneymaker...
Plot: In April 2011 the FBI declassified decades' worth of secret government documents that contain thousands of reports of UFO sightings and alien activity. Each episode of this half-hour series tackles one alien case by investigating the previously off-limits government files. The program re-examines key...
Plot: Experts use modern forensic techniques to shed new light on historical mysteries such as the sinking of the Andrea Doria and the riddle of whether a weather or geological event of some kind might have triggered the Dark Ages.
Plot: NASA authorities and UFO researchers analyze amateur video of suspected extraterrestrial activity in the skies to discuss the possibility that aliens have truly visited Earth.
Plot: What are you curious about? Whatever it is, it's likely this unprecedented event series created by Discovery founder John Hendricks has it covered. Spanning five years with 60 episodes and companion content across Discovery's networks, "Curiosity" uncovers the truths behind life's most challenging...
Plot: Detectives in major cities in the United States race against the clock in the wake of homicides, knowing that if they don't find a lead within the first 48 hours, their chances of solving a case are cut in half. The programme shows how detectives use forensic evidence and witness interviews to help...
Plot: "Cold Case Files," one of A&E Network's most popular and successful series of all time, chronicles the re-examination of long-unsolved crimes and the journeys of law enforcement personnel who reopened them. With the use of forensic advances and new evidence, police and detectives attempt to crack the...
Plot: The presenter talks about how the universe came into existence out of nothing, as various world-renowned physicists present their fascinating theories.
Plot: Josh Bernstein explores off-the-beaten-path locales in search of ancient civilizations and the answer to historical mysteries, such as whether Timbuktu in western Africa ever rivaled the fabled El Dorado or the ultimate fate of the Chachapoyas, who had vanished from their Peruvian kingdom by the 16th...
Plot: Aphrodite Jones' numerous true-crime books have captivated readers for years. Now, the best-selling author and criminal profiler brings her uncanny instincts to this programme that focuses on the compelling cases that commanded the headlines. From the unsolved murder of child beauty-pageant contestant...
Plot: From the outside, families seem like harmonious units in loving homes. But you don't necessarily know what secrets families are hiding from the outside world. This series, narrated by actress Brenda Strong, explores families hiding the most extreme of family secrets: murder. Each episode explores a...
Plot: "Naked Science" strips away the layers of a scientific investigation into one of the big mysteries of our time, revealing through expert analysis realistic scenarios that either confirm or deny long-held assumptions and misconceptions.
Plot: Discovery Canada's breakthrough CGI series "Alien Mysteries" takes on some of the most enduring and notable UFO mysteries from the past 50 years. Each episode chronicles accounts of UFO sightings, alien encounters and abduction with re-enactments using CGI and green-screen techniques. Scientists and...