Plot: Four fairytale friends go on magical adventures and become reading-powered superheroes. The characters live in Storybook Village, which is accessible through a panel that is represented by an invisible question mark. Preschool children follow the Super Readers as they jump into books that come to life...
Plot: From their "Octopod" home base, a team of undersea explorers is always ready to dive into action to explore new underwater worlds, rescue amazing sea creatures and protect the ocean. The group is led by Captain Barnacles the bear, and also includes Kwazii the kitten, Peso the penguin, Dr. Shellington...
Plot: Timmy is a little lamb with a lot to learn as he heads off to nursery school. An "only lamb," he's had his own way most of the time, and he hasn't had to consider other people's feelings or share. But when he goes to Nursery, a cozy little school in an old farm building nestled in rolling hills, Timmy...
Plot: Sir Cedric shares the story of how he transformed from a pumpkin farmer into a full-fledged knight with his adopted 10-year-old daughter, Nia, who is training to become a brave knight herself.
Plot: Parody segments with Cookie Monster that teach life skills, such as patience, focus, memorisation and more, done in the style of popular movie trailers.
Plot: Pint-sized cars live and play in a life-size forest in this live-action series. The remote-controlled vehicles -- Zack, Lily, Rex and Axle -- take part in adventures that see them crossing streams, building dams and exploring meadows. Although they may be small objects in a big world, the friends approach...
Plot: The everyday tasks and problems encountered when raising your first pet. Chloe, an energetic 7-year-old, looks after her troublesome pet triceratops, Topsy.
Plot: Pim and Pimba play imaginative games with an object they have uncovered in the snow. The penguins, like young toddlers, have a great time pretending that a pot is a hat or a boat, in this exciting fun-filled show.