Plot: Garfield Goose and Friends is a children's television show produced by WGN-TV in Chicago, Illinois, United States from 1955 to 1976. The show was known as Garfield Goose and Friend from 1952 to 1955 when it aired on WBKB and WBBM-TV. Wikipedia
Plot: Gol & Gincu was a 2006 Malaysian TV series spun off from the 2005 film of the same title produced by Red Films and directed by Bernard Chauly, continuing upon the affairs of the all-female futsal team "Bukan Team Biasa". Wikipedia
Plot: The Bozo Show was a locally produced children's television program that aired on WGN-TV in Chicago and nationally on what is now WGN America. It was based on the children's record book series, Bozo the Clown by Capitol Records. Wikipedia
Plot: Dialing for Dollars was a franchised format local television program in the United States and Canada, popular from the 1950s to the early 1990s. Wikipedia
Plot: A Escolinha do Golias was a Brazilian television program presented and produced by SBT between 1990 and 1997. Returned to be displayed by SBT in 2007, in the schedule of the El Chavo. Wikipedia