Plot: The true story of the most famous and bloodthirsty gang of the Stalin era, 'Black Cat', which kept the post-war Moscow in fear. The bandits were seen, their names were known, but they were elusive, because no one could even imagine that the criminals were hiding among the best Komsomol members. At day...
Plot: Alice is an enviable bride: clever, beautiful and a heiress of a huge fortune. Contrary to expectations, the girl with a delicate taste falls in love with an ordinary guy - Igor has got neither money nor special talents. Alice's father, suspecting the impure intentions of the future son-in-law, does...
Plot: Dina's ordinary life comes crashing down around her after her fiance's betrayal and her father's death. In her despair, she agrees to give up her unborn baby but when she realises her mistake, it is too late. Desperate, she escapes and accidentally shoots at a woman passing by, killing her instantly...
Plot: In the midst of the Russian civil war, the story revolves around Grigory, who falls in love with Aksinia, the beautiful wife of Stepan who's a family friend. This creates a feud between the families.