Plot: Washed-up former stuntman Ingmar is stuck in the past. Overly optimistic DJ Axel is stuck in the digital world. Ingmar is trying to reinvent himself and get by as a private investigator. When a case leads Ingmar to the annoying DJ, they team up to form a private detective firm, Swedish Dicks, that causes...
Plot: Allsång på Skansen is a Swedish show held at Skansen, Stockholm, every summer on Tuesdays between 8pm and 9pm. The audience is supposed to sing along with musical guest stars to well-known Swedish songs. The show started in 1935 on a small scale; about 50 people in the audience. Wikipedia
Plot: Bonde söker fru is a Swedish reality television program broadcast by TV4 based on the Fremantle format Farmer Wants a Wife. It features a number of single farmers who get to meet a number of potential partners and host some of them on their farms and go on an extended date with one. Wikipedia
Plot: Robert Kastell returns to Sweden, presumed dead for the last 30 years. He now shares the same objective as former journalist Rolf Höglund - to take down illegal arms dealer Anders Spetz. Robert Kastell returns to Sweden after having been presumed dead for thirty years. A personal tragedy has made him...