Plot: This series reveals 50 treasures and historical artefacts discovered by ordinary people that have changed people's understanding of British history. The programme, presented by journalist Michael Buerk and historian Bettany Hughes, maps out the discoveries recorded by the British Museum's Portable...
Plot: Veteran newsreader Michael Buerk and long-time journalist John Sergeant team up to explore Britain's coastline by boat. Starting on the sunny shores of Suffolk, the journalistic partners in crime board a 50-foot yacht, the Bonaventure, and set sail, heading south for some rollicking maritime adventures...
Plot: Michael Buerk looks into Britain's current pensions crisis, using revealing statistics on Britain's savings time-bomb to reveal how many people are sleepwalking into a nightmare retirement by not saving enough.
Plot: In less than a century, the Victorians transformed the face of Britain. They built iconic buildings, constructed transport networks, and invented cutting-edge technology. Michael Buerk travels Britain to find out how the Victorians built the nation.
Plot: Griff Rhys Jones explores Wales in this programme in which he discovers how the National Trust looks after some of the country's top national treasures. He finds out about the complexities and conflicts involved in the trust's work, beginning his journey along the 157 miles of Welsh coastline that...