Plot: This documentary programme follows the work of emergency workers in the Highlands of Scotland. The show -- which is filmed aboard the search-and-rescue aircraft of the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and HM Coastguard, as well as the Scottish Ambulance Services air ambulances -- follows the teams as they...
Plot: One of the earliest ever medical series, this Australian drama takes place in the Emergency Ward of a hospital, and was an early protype for series such as Emergency Ward 10 and Casualty.
Plot: Behind the scenes at the UK's most remote hospital, the Gilbert Bain in Shetland, which provides emergency and medical care to the islands' 23,000 residents.
Plot: Following some of Britain's busiest and best air ambulance teams as they carry out lifesaving services and hospital-level treatment wherever and whenever required, this inspiring and moving series offers a rare, behind-the-scenes insight into some of the situations the UK's air emergency workers must...
Plot: This documentary series explores health conditions that have mystified doctors and have been difficult to diagnose. Episodes follow active and previous case studies, which are discussed from a medical professional's viewpoint while patients share their personal experiences. Symptoms of rare conditions...
Plot: An inside look at the lives of emergency services personnel in the United Kingdom, following the specially trained police, fire and ambulance teams on the front line as they answer millions of emergency calls every year, and discovering how they cope with making life-or-death decisions under stress...
Plot: Going behind the scenes at St James's Hospital, Dublin, as staff at the Intensive Care Units fight to keep Covid-19 patients alive. Patients' families and survivors talk about their experiences, the uncertain future, and the long road to recovery.
Plot: The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.