Plot: In her series on Create, award-winning cooking teacher, author and chef Joanne Weir shares her techniques, secrets and recipes. In her kitchen in San Francisco, Weir and her students work together in a hands-on cooking class. During each lesson, students and viewers discover new solutions to common...
Plot: This instructional series hosted by plantsman Eric Johnson provides viewers with practical gardening advice. The show, described as a "hands in the dirt" experience, addresses topics that are varied, timely and cutting edge. Each week, an expert horticulturist provides gardening insight from fantastic...
Plot: Eric Gorges travels across the United States to gain insight into craftsmanship in the 21st century. Focusing on the history of a traditional craft and its importance in the U.S. today, episodes include interviews with master craftsmen and women, who explain why they chose their craft and the importance...
Plot: Learn to draw dragons, spaceships, castles, mermaids and more with cartoonist Mark Kistler. Known as Commander Mark on the hit 1980's Public Television Series the `Secret City', he continues his lifelong mission to teach the world to draw in 3D.
Plot: Cooking icon Julia Child invites 26 nationally recognized chefs into her kitchen, where she prepares dishes with the pros and breaks down their techniques and recipes for the home cook. Top names in the culinary world, such as Rick Bayless, Jasper White and Charlie Trotter, share their tips for dishes...
Plot: Award-winning journalist Burt Wolf leads viewers in educational jaunts around the globe in this series that combines the joy of traveling with related explorations of history, culture and cuisine. In each unique location that he visits, Wolf reveals the influences of foreign traditions, investigates...
Plot: Concentrating on design, fit and stitching, this series hosted by Peggy Sagers offers sewing tips for anyone who has a desire to fit and sew clothing. Episodes focus on the rules of making patterns and how they apply to preparing a garment for stitching. Projects range from ones that require just a...
Plot: The world is chef Todd English's oyster. Or scallops. Or beef. Or even sushi. The master chef and restaurateur steps out of his own kitchen (at the famed Olives restaurant in Boston) and onto planes, trains and automobiles to explore culinary traditions around the world. From sushi and kobe beef in...
Plot: Hosted by LeVar Burton for more than 20 years, "Reading Rainbow" teaches reading skills, habits, and attitudes. The magazine-style format takes kids on real-life journeys with celebrity guest readers and "Kid on the Street" book recommendations. Also incorporating popular music, history and social...