Plot: Summer of 1972, a small group of fanatical Croatian nationalists, trained and equipped by extreme emigrant organizations, infiltrated the territory of former Yugoslavia with intent to organize an uprising against Tito's regime. This series, very loosely based on true events, depicts the manhunt that...
Plot: Na granici is a Croatian television comedy created by Vlado BuliÄ, Mirna MiliÄiÄ and Goran Rukavina. It was released on September 9, 2018 on Nova TV. It is considered a spiritual successor to 2014 series Kud puklo da puklo which was created by the same authors. Wikipedia
Plot: VratiÄe se rode is a Serbian television series. Broadcast on B92 television in Serbia, it premiered on November 9, 2007. The series is directed by Goran GajiÄ and written by Nikola PejakoviÄ along with Ranko BožiÄ while 4 episodes were co-written between the two...
Plot: Konak kod Hilmije is a Bosnian television comedy series created and written by FeÄa IsoviÄ and directed by Elmir JukiÄ. The first episode of the show was aired on 7 May 2018. The so far final, 24th episode of the sitcom was aired on 2 January 2019. It has also been shown...
Plot: Parovi is a Serbian-based reality show created by Predrag RankoviÄ. The show premiered on December 24, 2010 on Happy and immediately reached huge ratings. The show also features a 24-hour YouTube live streaming. Wikipedia
Plot: Tvoje Lice ZvuÄi Poznato is a Serbian talent show based on the Spanish franchise Your Face Sounds Familiar. The show began October 12, 2013 on Prva TV. The show involves ten celebrities portraying various iconic singers every week to win a financial donation for their chosen charity. Wikipedia...
Plot: Zvezde Granda is a Serbian reality television music competition organized by Grand Production to find new singing talents. The contestants are aspiring singers drawn from public auditions. The show features elements from the international franchises such as Idol and The X Factor. Wikipedia
Plot: Kriza was a Bosnian television sitcom created and written by FeÄa IsoviÄ and directed by Elmir JukiÄ. The first episode of the show was aired on 20 October 2013. The final, 24th episode of the sitcom was aired on 30 March 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Tata i zetovi was a Bosnian television sitcom. The first episode of the show was aired on 29 October 2006. The final, 26th episode of the sitcom was aired on 19 April 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Lud, zbunjen, normalan is a Bosnian television comedy series that began airing in 2007. Since its debut, it has also been shown in Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia. Wikipedia
Plot: Viza za buduÄnost was the first post-Independence Bosnian TV series. Production started on June 22, 2002 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first episode was aired on September 1, 2002. The final episode was filmed in Sarajevo on August 25, 2007 but was never aired. Wikipedia