Plot: Le Juste Prix is a French adaptation of the American game show The Price Is Right that airs on TF1. It first premiered in 1988 and ran until the original version was canceled in 2001. In 2002 a brief sequel, Le Juste Euro, ran on France 2 and was hosted by Patrice Laffont, it only ran for two episodes...
Plot: Ciel, mon mardi! was a television talk show hosted by Christophe Dechavanne, which ran on French television TF1 every Tuesday at the beginning of the 1990s. Wikipedia
Plot: Intervilles was a French comedy game show first broadcast in 1962. The show was aired since July 17, 1962 on RTF, then on ORTF from 1964 to 1973. After 12 years of absence, it reappeared on July 10, 1985 on FR3, then from July 4, 1986 to September 6, 1999 on TF1. Wikipedia