Plot: Pauw & Witteman was a Dutch late-night talk show, hosted by Jeroen Pauw and Paul Witteman. It was generally focused on current affairs and politics. It was broadcast every weekday at 11 pm on Nederland 1. It was initially co-produced by Dutch public broadcasters NPS and VARA, and subsequently produced...
Plot: De Wereld Draait Door also known by the acronym DWDD was an early-evening talk show on Dutch television, broadcast every weekday at 7:00 p.m. on NPO 1. Wikipedia
Plot: Originally starting out as a weekly sports show, Barend en Van Dorp turned into a daily late night talk show in 1998. Together with former soccer player, now writer Jan Mulder they talk about the news of the day. Guest artists play music between the discussions. Originally starting out as a weekly sports...
Plot: The Sierra Jensen Series is a teen book series by Christian author Robin Jones Gunn. It is a companion series to Gunn's The Christy Miller series, as Sierra's character was introduced in the twelfth book of Christy's series. Wikipedia
Plot: RTL Late Night was a Dutch late night television talkshow. It was broadcast from August 26, 2013 to March 4, 2019 on commercial station RTL 4 on weekdays between 22:30 and 23:40. Wikipedia