Plot: Kyoko Nakane (Machiko Ono), born in a wealthy family, and arranged to marry Soseki Natsume (Hiroki Hasegawa) at the age of 19. Their newly-married life begins at Kumamoto where Soseki serves as a high school teacher.
Plot: Gomen ne Seishun!, also known as Saving My Stupid Youth, is a Japanese television drama written by Kankuro Kudo. The series was broadcast by TBS from 12 October to 21 December 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Fukami Hiroki's younger sister was killed by a friend. Hiroki then meets the killer's sister, Toyama Futaba, 15 years after the incident. Both of their families have been burdened with grief, but through their meeting they struggle to find a brighter tomorrow. Fukami Hiroki's younger sister was...